Friday, March 11, 2011


Life So Far Has Been Fabulous! I am a proud aunt to the most beautiful twins ever! I can't wait to go see them again. Victor and I will be heading to Atlanta on March 26th, to babysit while my sister and her husband attend a wedding. This will be Victor's first time meeting them. It should be interesting to see how he can handle two babies at once. It is not easy at all. I don't know how all you mothers out there do it. These last couple of months have been crazy busy. We went to Germany for a week back in January. Victor had to go for a work trip, so we decided to make it into a little vacation. We had a blast travelling around Stuttgart, Germany. It is such a beautiful city. If you have never been, then you should definitely go! I have a video I will post of our trip there in my next post. Many of our friends who got engaged last year are now getting married this Spring! So lots of weddings to attend in March and April and Birthdays too. Yeah! I can't wait! So far we have been taking it easy enjoying our wonderful pets. I will leave you now with a pic of my dog ginger! This is what she does when i am not around! I also have pics of the twins below! I am seriously obsessed with them! Elizabeth Ann Pike & Garrett Reilly Pike! Welcome to the world! I love y'all so much! 

This is a pic of the onesies i got for the twins while we were in Germany  and a lullaby cd we also got them!

Me and the twins!

Garrett Reilly

Elizabeth Ann

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Checkout this video- It goes along with my new blog post. I hope y'all like It! Like they say in the song- "Money can't buy us happiness, Can we all slow down and enjoy right now, Guarantee we'll be feeling Alright.". SO TRUE! I wish the whole world would do this more.

I know this sounds lame, but I heard a song on the radio today that made me think of a new blog post. The song is called Price Tag by Jessie J. Listen to the lyrics and you will understand the meaning of this post. I can't say that I am not guilty of buying the next best thing no matter what, because I am. I think most people are guilty of doing this. It got me thinking about why we do this to ourselves?

 For instance, wanting an iPhone, a new car, a new house, new clothes, new video games just because someone else has it or because we want it. If you are like me when you buy new stuff it makes you happy for say a week or so and then you want the next new and more popular thing.

Why can't we be happy with what we have? Why aren't we just happy to have a roof over our head and food and water to drink? Why are we not just happy with our family and friends? Why are we chasing for more?

What is out there that could possibly be better than what we have already like our children, husbands, wives, siblings, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, mothers and fathers, cousins and friends. Isn't spending time with our loved ones more of what we should be chasing? Instead, we choose not to spend time with them and choose to spend time on material items and spending money, when we could be saving it to visit our loved ones.

Many people choose to do this, because our family members get on our nerves or are too far away from us to travel and see them. We are not going to live forever. We do eventually die. I have first hand experience with this as many of you probably can relate to. I lost my mom in June of 2001 to ovarian cancer. I can't believe it will be 10 years this June since she has passed. I wish I had spent more quality time with my mom and i kick myself everyday for not doing this.

You don't realize how much a difference just taking time out of your day, week, month or year can mean to a loved one. Tomorrow is not promised us!

I am guilty of doing all of these things. I am just hoping that posting this will make people, including myself second guess spending money on material things like movies, games, electronics and start using this money to spend  on traveling to see your loved ones. These material items can't bring you happiness only love can! Why can't we all love one another? It's such an easy concept that we seldom do.


I hope y'all can at least see my point of view on this. Please leave comments on this post. I can't wait to hear what y'all have to say about it. I am an open book and will not get offended if you don't agree. I love free speech and blogging. I think i could get addicted to this.

Please note I am not an English major, so I apologize for incomplete sentences or misspelled words.

Caitlin Hamley


1. DR. PEPPER- This is my favorite soda to drink. If i could stand the taste of diet, then i would drink it. For some reason any diet soda makes me nauseous. I could drink the dr. pepper's in one day and do it way too much.
2. MY MAC BOOK PRO-This is the best computer ever. I know it is a little expensive, but it is so worth the investment. My favorite App is the iphoto. I made my germany pic's into a slideshow using it. I will post this later.

3. My Sony HD-3D Camera! I got it for my bday from my wonderful husband. He spoiled me for my BDay and christmas in 2010. It takes awesome pic's and video. I use it non-stop anytime i go anywhere. LOVE IT!

4. Chick-fil-A Sandwiches- If you don't have a chick-fil-a near you, then you are totally missing out. The best fast-food restaurant out there. There is one requirement with this sandwich- it must have mayonaise on it. I love the pickle that comes with it to. This is my guilty pleasure that i must have once a month. YUM YUM YUM! It makes my mouth water just looking at it.

5. I SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST- MY IPHONE 4!- My husband spoiled me this last christmas when he got me this phone. I couldn't ask for a better phone. I am absolutely addicted to it. I play the app game everyday on it. My favorite game is Restaurant and Bakery Story. It has everything you could possibly ever need all on one phone. It is expensive but totally worth the investment. I ABSOLUTELY 100% LOVE MY IPHONE! It is my baby and if anything were to happen to it i would die!